Lenovo AP IDG Marketo Workshop April 23rd 15:00PM HKT (60min + 15min QA)


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This is a Workshop for AP IDG Marketing member and its agency using Marketo.

Topic : Master Email Template & Email Guidelines 2024
Goal : One multipurpose email template (“layout generator”) More available, visually-consistent layouts; fewer assets to maintain in the system.

The Workshop is targetted for active agency and Lenovo members involved with external communication planning and execution.

 [Note] This workshop will be held on twentythree.com, an webinar platform used in Lenovo EMEA. please provide your feedback on the platform experience.

Koichi Takahashi

CRM Marketing Manager, Lenovo

AP ISO Lead Development & CRM Team

Wendy Tan

Account Director, MarketOne International

Mae Teo

Marketing Project Manager, MarketOne International

Teodora Ausan

Marketo Solutions Engineer, MarketOne International
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